How To Clean A Fudge Pan

Ways to clean a fudge pan effectively

Are you a fudge lover who enjoys making this sweet treat at home?

If so, you know that there is nothing more frustrating than spending hours perfecting your recipe only to find that the fudge sticks to the pan during the cooling process.

In this article, we will share some tips and tricks for cleaning your fudge pans effectively. From using hot water to microwaving your pan, we’ve got you covered. 

Saucepans Used For Making Fudge

When it comes to making fudge, the type of saucepan you use can make a big difference in the outcome of your sweet treat.

Ideally, you want to use a heavy-bottomed saucepan with a non-stick surface. This will ensure that your fudge cooks evenly and reduces the risk of the mixture sticking to the pan.

Stainless steel or aluminum pans are good choices for making fudge, as they distribute heat well and are easy to clean.

However, if you’re using an aluminum pan, be sure to line it with parchment paper or butter it well before cooking to prevent sticking.

Avoid using non-stick pans that have scratches or chips in the coating, as this can cause harmful chemicals to leach into your fudge.

Also, be sure not to use enamel-coated cast iron pans for making fudge, as they may react with the ingredients and alter the flavor of your treat.

If you are in the market for a new saucepan, then check out our review guide of the best pan for making fudge.

Baking Tins Used In Fudge Making

When it comes to making fudge, the type of baking tin you use is just as important as the saucepan. You want to choose a baking tin that is non-stick and has a flat surface so your fudge sets evenly.

Silicone baking tins are popular choices for making fudge, as they are flexible and easy to remove the fudge from once it’s set.

However, if you prefer using metal tins, be sure to butter or line them with parchment paper before pouring in your mixture.

It’s also essential to consider the size of your baking tin. If your tin is too small, your fudge may be too thick and difficult to cut into pieces.

On the other hand, if your tin is too large, your fudge may spread out too thin and not set properly.

Effective Ways Of Cleaning Fudge Pans 

Allow The Fudge To Cool

After pouring your fudge mixture into the baking tin and cooking, it’s important to let it cool down before removing it. This will ensure that the fudge sets properly and is easy to cut into pieces.

To cool the fudge, place the baking tin in the fridge for at least two hours or until it’s firm to touch. Avoid touching or moving the tin during this time, as this can cause the fudge to become uneven.

Once your fudge has cooled down, remove it from the fridge and use paper or foil to pull it out of the baking tin. With enough butter used to grease the pan, this should be a quick and easy process.

Use A Hot Blow Dryer

If you’re having trouble removing fudge from a pan, using a hot blow-dryer can be an effective solution.

Simply turn the dryer on to a low setting and aim it at the bottom of the pan. The heat will soften the fudge, making it easier to remove.

However, be cautious when using this method, as holding the heat in one spot for too long can cause the pan to become very hot.

It’s best to move the dryer around and check frequently if the fudge has loosened.

Another tip is to use a plastic spatula or scraper to gently pry away any stubborn bits of fudge. With patience and care, you’ll have your fudge pan clean and ready for your next batch in no time!

Immerse In Hot Water

If you still end up with a sticky mess, and you’re looking for a simple and effective way to clean your fudge pan, immersing it in hot water is a great option.

This method works particularly well with glass pans.

To start, fill a bowl with hot water and place the fudge pan inside, being careful not to let any water get into the fudge. Let it sit for a few seconds to allow the heat to soften the fudge.

Next, flip the pan over onto a plate or wax paper and gently tap the bottom with a spoon. With luck, the fudge will slide right out of the pan.

If not, use a knife to scrape along the edges of the pan to help release it.

Remember that this process can take some time as gravity does its job. But with patience and perseverance, you’ll have your fudge pan cleaned and ready for your next delicious batch!

How To Clean A Fudge Pan

Microwave The Pan

Microwaving your fudge pan is another effective method for cleaning it.

Start by placing the pan with any remaining fudge inside the microwave and heat it in 5-10 second intervals until the fudge softens. Be sure to use a microwave-safe glass pan, such as those made by Pyrex.

Once the mixture has softened, remove the pan from the microwave and carefully scrape out any remaining fudge with a spatula. Then, wash it using warm soapy water and a non-abrasive sponge.

It’s important to note that microwaving your fudge pan can cause some discoloration or cloudiness on the glass surface.

However, this won’t affect the performance of your pan and can easily be removed with a mixture of vinegar and baking soda.

Overall, microwaving your fudge pan is a quick and easy way to clean it – just make sure to take care not to overheat it or damage your microwave.

Did you know you can also make fudge in the microwave? Check out our comparison against a slow cooker here!

Take Care While Cooking

When it comes to cooking, it’s important to take care and follow proper instructions. For example, when making fudge, using the correct temperature is crucial to achieving a successful end result.

Cooking at too high a heat can result in burnt fudge that doesn’t taste good and will likely stick to the pan. 

Overall, taking care while cooking not only helps you achieve better results, but also ensures the longevity of your cookware.

Be sure to always read instructions carefully and follow them closely to ensure success in the kitchen.

Natural Remedies

One of the most common natural remedies that can be used to clean fudge off of tins is baking soda. Baking soda is an all-purpose cleaner that is highly effective in removing sticky substances such as fudge. 

To use baking soda to clean fudge off of tins, simply mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda with 1 cup (0.24 l) of warm water. Stir until the baking soda is completely dissolved.

Then, use the mixture to scrub the fudge off of the tin. You can also make a paste of baking soda and water and spread it over the fudge to help loosen it from the tin.

Let the paste sit for several minutes, then scrub the fudge away.

Another natural remedy that can be used to remove fudge from tins is white vinegar. White vinegar is a mild acid that can help dissolve sticky substances. 

To use white vinegar, mix 1 cup (0.24 l) of white vinegar with 1 cup (0.24 l) of water in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture onto the tin and let it sit for 5 minutes.

The acidity of the vinegar will help to break down the fudge. Once the fudge is softened, use a sponge to gently scrub it away. You can also use a soft cloth to buff away any remaining residue.

Wrap And Store Correctly

Once your fudge is cooked, cooled, and cut into squares, it’s important to wrap and store it correctly.

Simply placing the squares in a container and storing them in the fridge can cause them to stick together (or you’ll have another cleaning job on your hands).

To prevent this, wrap each square individually in wax paper or plastic wrap before placing them back in the container. 

You can also layer the squares with parchment paper between each layer to further prevent sticking.

Remember to label your container with the date of preparation and consume within 2–3 weeks for optimal freshness.

Properly wrapping and storing your fudge will ensure that you can enjoy it for longer without any hassle!

Check out this informative guide for more tips on how to store fudge.


In conclusion, cleaning a fudge pan is simple and straightforward and can be done with minimal effort.

With the right materials and techniques, a fudge pan can be sparkling clean in no time and ready for the next batch of delicious fudge.

To learn more about fudge-making tools, check out our guides here:


Hi, I'm Sarah and welcome to Call Me Fudge! From a younger age I've always pottered about in the kitchen and even selling my fudge in the high school grounds. Cooking and baking to me is like second nature and I want to share this passion with you.

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